I have been waiting months for something else to catch my eye.

Hand drawn art has always been particularly appealing. My physical art collection has many interesting hand drawn pieces.
I am feeling more than extremely excited about Dero Innominate and deeply looking forward to seeing it on full display.

RBMCrypto shared new examples of the collection that we felt very happy and privileged to display during our website launch.

Dero Innominate brings the full glory of JoyRaptor’s hand drawing talents unblemished by A.I. assistance.
The cyberpunk theme invokes that futuristic feeling that comes with using very advanced technology like Dero.

The art is fantastic and the utility aspect of the collection are bound to bring increased valuations in the future.

Rare and ultra rare units during a launch are always particularly appealing to us. We will be looking to acquire them as early adopters.

The initial 30% discount will be well rewarded in the short term and most definitely in the long term.